Developing A Good Oral Care Routine

How many times do you have to remind your kids to brush their teeth? "Don't forget to floss too!" you might even tell them. It sure is a pain but the good news is, it's not in vain. Developing a good oral care routine is a crucial preventative measure to protect teeth against bacteria and the diseases they cause. Dr. Shirley Santos of Tustin, CA, has a wealth of knowledge to help patients set up a routine.

What does a healthy routine entail?

  • Remember how we said constantly prodding your kids to floss and brush won't go in vain? Well, it's true. Brushing twice a day, at least, for you and your child with a soft-bristled toothbrush will eliminate food debris. Make sure you brush properly though. You want to brush for two consecutive minutes in a circular motion on the tooth surface and at gum edges. Cavities usually flourish in back teeth (molars) because they're harder to reach, so make sure you don't skip brushing them.

  • As for flossing, it's just as important. Flossing removes food lodged between teeth that brushes can't reach. It's a simple preventative measure that prevents acid-producing bacteria from breaking down teeth. There are several techniques to flossing, so make sure you speak with your dentist about how to properly floss, or look at this video: Flossing Video.

  • Regular checkups and biannual professional cleanings are important as well. Regular checkups enable your Tustin dentist, Dr. Santos, to detect diseases, like gum disease or cancer, early on when it's easier to treat. The professional dental cleanings eliminate the plaque you may not have been able to remove while brushing and flossing. The dentist will also remove cavities and use a sealant to fill the holes to prevent further decay.

Would you like to speak with a dentist?

Dr. Shirley Santos of Tustin, CA, can help you and your family establish a healthy dental regimen. Just call her at (714) 368-0222 today.

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Shirley Santos, DDS, Inc.


9:00 am-5:00 pm


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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm (Twice a month)

