Repair Your Smile with Crowns & Bridges

Dealing with damaged or missing teeth? Find out how we can help you. 

Whether you are looking to replace a single missing tooth or you are just dealing with a cracked tooth, our Norfolk, MA, 0911851001553192752.jpgdentist Dr. Mitchell Pasenkoff has simple solutions that can restore your smile in no time. Wondering whether or not crowns and bridges are right for you? Here’s what these popular dental restorations have to offer.

Preserve Your Teeth with Dental Crowns 

Even though teeth are strong they aren’t impervious to damage. If you have a tooth that is cracked, weakened by an infection, or severely decayed then you could benefit from getting a dental crown. Designed to look just like a real tooth, a crown is a hollow tooth-shaped cap that is placed over the entire crown of a tooth and cemented into place to provide a solid outer layer to protect the damaged tooth lying underneath.

The crowns that our Norfolk, MA, cosmetic dentist places are made from tooth-colored material so they blend right in with the rest of your smile and are designed to last a long time with the proper care.

Replace Missing Teeth with Dental Bridges

Having gaps in your smile can be embarrassing, but Dr. Pasenkoff can help you change all that with a simple oral prosthetic known as a dental bridge. A bridge is designed to fill the gap in your smile with a natural-looking artificial tooth. In order to do this, a pair of dental crowns will be placed over healthy teeth that sit on both sides of the gap. These crowns are meant to hold the artificial tooth firmly in place.

Many people choose to get dental bridges to replace a missing tooth if they don’t want to undergo surgery. Bridges can often be placed in about two visits since the bridge will need to be created based on impressions taken of your mouth. Both crowns and bridges are fabricated based on your specific measurements, which ensures that you get a restoration that doesn’t just look amazing but also fits perfectly and feels like the real thing, too.

If you think that crowns and bridges can give you back the smile you had after tooth loss or damage then it’s time to contact our dental team here in Norfolk, MA. Call your dentist today to schedule your free consultation.

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