Developing A Good Oral Care Routine

Prevent problems and protect your teeth. That's what a good oral care routine does. Your dentist in Norfolk, MA, Dr. Mitchell Pasenkoff, urges his patients to be intentional in caring for their smiles—read on to learn why.

Think about your smile

We cannot be casual about oral health. The World Dental Federation says untreated cavities affect half the world's population. Decay invariably leads to tooth loss and its destructive effects on biting, chewing, personal appearance, and self-confidence.

Also, oral health problems devastate systemic health. The American Heart Association says gum disease definitely influences your cardiac well-being. Inflamed gums and heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular disease often all go hand in hand.

All of this concerns your dentist, Dr. Mitchell Pasenkoff. While he provides excellent preventive, restorative, and cosmetic treatments in his Norfolk office, a smile needs at-home attention every single day of the year to remain healthy, as well.

Brush, floss, eat

How can you develop a good oral health care routine at home? Do three basic things consistently, and start them with your children when they are babies. The basics are:

  • Brushing twice a day for two full minutes with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Flossing at least one time a day to remove plaque from the gum line and interdental spaces
  • Eating a high-calcium, high-fiber, high-protein diet with very limited sugars

This three-pronged oral care routine pays the big benefits of limited to no tooth decay and full, healthy gum tissue.

See your dentist

In addition to the above routine, visit Dr. Pasenkoff twice a year for your cleaning, exam, and X-rays.

Call Dr. Mitchell Pasenkoff 's office staff for your routine dental appointment. When you come in, ask him for ways to improve your oral care at home. Call his Norfolk office by dialing (508) 528-5351.

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