Preventing Gum Disease

Almost 50 percent of adults 30 years old and above have some degree of gum disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If untreated, the disease can destroy gum tissue and bone, leading to eventual tooth loss. Fortunately, it's easy to prevent gum disease with good oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist in Norfolk, MA, Dr. Mitchell Pasenkoff.

8 Ways to Reduce your Gum Disease Risk

Keeping your gums healthy can be simple as following these eight tips:

  • Make Plaque Your Enemy: Plaque, a sticky, bacterial film that constantly coats your teeth, is a major factor in tooth decay and gum disease. Brushing your teeth twice a day gets rid of plaque and prevents it from turning into tartar, a hard deposit that irritates the gums. Once tartar forms on your teeth, you'll need a dental cleaning to remove it.

  • Set the Timer: The American Dental Association recommends brushing for at least two minutes to ensure that you fully remove plaque.

  • Don't Neglect Flossing: Plaque remains trapped between your teeth if you don't floss. If you don't floss every day, you'll be more likely to develop gum disease or cavities between your teeth.

  • Try a Few Flossing Tools: Do you find it awkward to thread dental floss through your teeth? Don't give up on flossing just because the process is a little difficult. Flossing picks, interdental brushes, and water-powered flossers offer good alternatives to string floss.

  • Use Mouthwash: Mouthwash doesn't just freshen your breath—some varieties also kill harmful bacteria in your mouth.

  • Stop Smoking: Smoking irritates your gums and increases your gum disease risk. If you smoke and develop gum disease, healing may take longer and the negative effects may be stronger.

  • Wear a Nightguard if You Grind Your Teeth: Nightly grinding can loosen your teeth and create deep pockets in the gums that harbor bacteria. Wearing a nightguard custom made for your mouth protects against these harmful effects.

  • Schedule Checkups Every Six Months: Gum disease is much easier to treat in the earliest stages. When you visit our Norfolk dental office every six months, you'll receive a thorough examination of your teeth and gums and, if necessary, treatment recommendation. The visits also include dental cleanings to remove plaque and tartar from teeth.

Protect your gums with regular checkups! Call your Norfolk, MA, dentist, Dr. Pasenkoff, at (508) 528-5351 to schedule an appointment.

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