How Mouth Guards Can Help Prevent Damaging Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, or bruxism as it's often referred to can cause damage to your teeth as you sleep. Many who suffer from it do not know that they do, often until they have suffered noticeable enough symptoms. One of the earliest ones is unexplained pain, usually after you wake. Waiting too long can severely damage your smile, so if you are concerned with teeth grinding ask your Norfolk, MA, dentist, Dr. Mitchell Pasenkoff, about using a mouth guard at night to protect your smile.

Diagnosing Bruxism

You may not be aware that you are suffering from bruxism until you begin to experience symptoms. During a checkup your dentist may be able to spot the signs early, it's why regular visits into the office are so important. But if you feel pain on your teeth, your mouth, jaw, or neck early in the morning, or just in general, see your dentist as promptly as possible.

Signs and Symptoms

When your teeth grind at night they can exert 250 pounds or more on each other. For reference, you can create only around 20 to 40 pounds of pressure when chewing. Grinding can result in chipped and cracked teeth, and over a long enough period, they can become worn flat. It can also damage veneers, crowns, and dental fillings.

The stress can also cause pain in your jaw, headaches, and can lead to conditions such as TMD.

Mouth Guards for Teeth Grinding in Norfolk, MA

Bruxism cannot be cured, but treatment can lessen its damaging effects on your smile. A custom-made mouthguard from your dentist is one of the most effective treatments. Made to fit the exact shape of your smile, and manufactured of softer materials, these are typically more comfortable to wear than over-the-counter options. A mouth guard protects the surfaces of your teeth by keeping them from grinding against each other as you sleep.

Schedule a Visit

Custom-made mouthguards from your dentist can also protect your smile if you practice sports and can help you sleep if you suffer from sleep apnea.

If you are looking for relief from teeth grinding a mouth guard made by your Norfolk, MA, dentist can help. Schedule an appointment today with Dr. Pasenkoff by dialing (508) 528-5351.

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