How We’re Combatting American’s “Trust Famine†in Our Practice

At Lakeshore Family Dentistry, we understand that when you choose to work with a doctor, dentist, surgeon or some other kind of health care provider, you are choosing to place your health and your life in their hands. You are choosing to trust them 100%. That is why we encourage open and honest communication between us, our team members and our patients.

Today’s culture is going through a “trust famine” of sorts. Every day we are bombarded with news stories about star athletes getting busted with steroids or some other performance enhancing drug, politicians deceiving their own family members and CEOs embezzling money and committing other horrible crimes that mean their hardworking employees get laid off. So it’s no wonder that people are suspicious, especially when it comes to their health. And it makes perfect sense that before one of our patients agrees to a dental procedure, they want to know exactly where their money is going and if the proposed procedure is really the best way to treat them.

At Lakeshore Family Dentistry, we would never propose a procedure or treatment plan that wasn’t in your best interest, and we would never convince you to get work done just for your money. At our practice, you can trust us to do only what is best for you—and that’s it.  

To see why we’re the dental team you can trust with your smile, visit

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am-6:00 pm


7:30 am-5:00 pm


7:30 am-5:00 pm


7:30 am-5:00 pm


7:30 am-1:00 pm



