Dental Health of Minnesota’s Youth a Rising Concern

Tooth decay is a highly preventable condition, yet despite that, more than half of Minnesota’s youth continues to suffer from it each year, generating $148 million in preventable emergency room charges in recent years. Many cases of tooth decay occur in Minnesota’s low-income families, a problem that the Minnesota Department of Health is now working hard to eradicate. At Lakeshore Family Dentistry, we are doing our best to be a part of the solution, and to bring good health to all sectors of Minnesota’s diverse population.

Last month was national Give a Kid a Smile Day, and we just want to give a quick a Thank You to our wonderful team, who donated their time to providing free dental treatment to families in need in the White Bear Lake area. Over $11,000 in services were provided that day, with treatments including cleaning, sealants, fluoride, exams and even some restorations.

We’d also like to give a huge shout out to our patients, without whom such donations would not be possible.

Looking At the Bigger Picture

Untreated tooth decay can have a huge impact on our children, and in the long run, our community as a whole. Long-standing tooth decay can lead to early tooth loss, which can affect what children eat and cause nutritional deficits and eventually malnutrition.

Lack of proper dental care can even cause financial problems, as major oral health problems can trigger larger medical issues. Some risk factors associated with poor oral health include obesity, heart disease and diabetes. The mouth-body connection is a strong one, and it’s important that our community recognizes this if we hope to make a bigger impact in the lives of its members.

Minnesota should not have $148 million in emergency room charges for preventable dental conditions alone, and nor should over 50% of our children have to suffer from cavities and decay. We can and should be able to get these numbers down, with a bit of education and a lot of encouragement to take oral health seriously. At Lakeshore Family Dentistry, we provide both. Visit or give us a call at 651-429-3348 to see why we make it our mission to improve White Bear Lake’s well-being, one smile at a time.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am-6:00 pm


7:30 am-5:00 pm


7:30 am-5:00 pm


7:30 am-5:00 pm


7:30 am-1:00 pm



