4 Benefits of Dental Implants in Stafford, VA

Did you know that according to the CDC, 69 percent of American adults have lost at least one permanent tooth? Whether from tooth decay or trauma, dealing with missing teeth can make a large impact on your life. 

However, it’s important to keep in mind that you have a variety of options available to you. One of those options is getting dental implants in Stafford, VA.  

Read on to learn the top four benefits of dental implants and whether they’re a good option for you!  

Enhance Your Quality Life 

The top benefit of getting dental implants in Stafford, VA is that they can enhance the quality of your life. Missing teeth can impact the way you speak and chew. 

Dentures can improve this, but you’ll have to be careful of what you eat. They also require you to take them in and out and deal with adhesives.  

Dental implants mimic natural teeth, so after a period of adjustment, you’ll be able to chew and speak normally again. They also don’t require any additional maintenance.  

Improve Your Self-Confidence 

People can begin avoiding social engagements or feel as if they must hide their smiles if they’re missing teeth. Dentures that use adhesives may also make people paranoid about dentures loosening or completely falling out.  

Since dental implants look like natural teeth, you’ll be able to smile again and be around friends and family with more confidence. Your smile will also look and feel natural to yourself and everyone around you.  

Keep Natural Teeth Healthy 

Replacing your missing teeth with bridges sometimes requires dentists to grind down adjacent teeth so that the bridge can be placed. Partial dentures also require hooks or clasps on adjacent teeth that irritate your gum tissue.  

Fortunately, implants don’t impact your adjacent teeth. This means you can keep your remaining natural teeth safe from damage.  

Prevent Bone Loss 

Living with missing teeth for long amounts of time can cause bone loss. This is because those areas of the jaw aren’t being stimulated by the chewing of your teeth. Over time, this can lead to a changed appearance as the jaw deteriorates.  

Dental implants help reverse this process, as they essentially act like natural teeth. As you chew, the root of the teeth will stimulate those areas of the jaw again, promoting more bone growth.  

Consider Getting Dental Implants in Stafford, VA Today 

With all the benefits of dental implants, you’ll first want to speak with a reputable dentist to see if you’re a good candidate. You’ll also learn how long the procedure takes, what the recovery process is like, and how long it will take to adjust to them.  

We recommend asking as many questions as you can so that you have clear expectations of the process. If you’re ready to begin considering your options, schedule an appointment with us today!  

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