What are Lumineers?

Improving the appearance of your teeth can prove to be a confidence-boosting, social anxiety-decreasing goal to achieve. However, lumineersfinding the best cosmetic dentistry treatment for you may be a little overwhelming. Luckily, your dentist can help you choose the best procedure for you and provide you with plenty of information on the latest and greatest procedures like Lumineers. Find out more about Lumineers and what they can do for you with Dr. James Walton and Dr. David Cardman in Tallahassee, FL.

What are Lumineers? 
Much like a traditional veneer, Lumineers fit over the front of the tooth to mask its imperfections. However, traditional veneers require your dentist to prepare your teeth before placing the restorations, an irreversible process which requires the removal of portions of enamel from the teeth. Lumineers, on the other hand, do not require any irreversible preparation of the tooth. Lumineers are significantly thinner than traditional veneers and last up to 20 years with the proper care.

What do Lumineers treat? 
Dentists recommend Lumineers for the same reasons as traditional veneers, including to improve the appearance of:

  • chipped teeth
  • cracked teeth
  • yellowed teeth
  • discolored teeth
  • slightly misaligned teeth
  • slight overcrowding
  • slight under crowding

Though Lumineers cannot replace significant orthodontic treatment, it can make the teeth appear straighter and fix minor misalignments, potentially allowing you to avoid the need for braces altogether.

Lumineers in Tallahassee, FL
With over 30 years of use, Lumineers have proven to be safe, durable and will last for many years with the proper care. Luckily, caring for your Lumineers is easy. Simply clean them as you would your own teeth and brush twice daily using a soft-bristled brush. Additionally, floss at least once a day between every tooth and behind the back molar. Since they are made from the highest quality materials and affixed to the teeth in the most effective and durable way possible, you can eat and drink what you want without worrying about damaging your Lumineers.

For more information on Lumineers or what they can do for you, please contact Dr. Walton and Dr. Cardman in Tallahassee, FL. Call (850) 893-2136 to schedule your appointment with your dentist today!

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