When Is a Dental Crown Needed?

Dental crowns are needed in several situations. They protect and restore teeth that have been worn down or damaged, prevent loose fillings from falling out, and conceal cosmetic imperfections. Dental crowns can also hold bridgework securely in place, as well as serve as a replacement tooth when placed over a dental implant. A dentist can determine if dental crowns would benefit your teeth. Dr. Gary Westerman is your Southbury dentist for dental crowns.

What are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are caps placed over teeth to strengthen, protect, or restore them. They function like a protective shell for weak or damaged teeth, giving those teeth a strong new exterior. Dental crowns are also placed over teeth to improve their appearance. For example, dental crowns can give teeth that are stained, discolored, or oddly shaped a whole new look. Dental crowns look just like natural teeth and blend right in with the surrounding teeth. Dr. Westerman, your Southbury dentist, can help you decide if dental crowns are right for you.

How Dental Crowns Help

Dental crowns can help your teeth in several ways and offer cosmetic, protective, and restorative benefits. Cosmetically, dental crowns can be used to conceal flaws in teeth that are discolored or oddly shaped, for example. Dental crowns also provide protection against further damage for teeth that are worn down or have been weakened by infection or injury. Additionally, dental crowns restore normal biting and chewing functions in teeth that are too worn down or weak to function properly.

Another way dental crowns help is preventing loose fillings from falling out. Dental crowns can also help replace missing teeth by holding bridgework securely in place. A dental crown can also be placed over a dental implant when replacing a single missing tooth. In general, you might need a dental crown for the following reasons:

  • Conceal cosmetic imperfections
  • Protect weak, worn down, or damaged teeth
  • Restore normal biting and chewing functions
  • Prevent loose fillings from falling out
  • Hold bridgework securely in place
  • Replace missing teeth

You might need a dental crown if you have a tooth that is worn down, damaged, and too weak to perform normal functions. You could also benefit from a dental crown if you wish to improve the appearance of a flawed tooth. Whether for cosmetic, protective, or restorative purposes, a dentist can help you decide if dental crowns are the right choice for you. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Westerman, your Southbury, CT, dentist, call the dental office at (203) 264-5630.

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