The Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment

Dr. Mark Allen provides his patients with different orthodontic treatments at all of his dental offices: Rockwall and Garland, TX. With the ability to both resolve several dental problems as well as improve the look of your smile, orthodontic treatments provide a number of benefits to patients. Read on to learn what your orthodontist can do for you!

How does orthodontic treatment work and what issues can it fix?

Orthodontic treatments apply a light and constant force to teeth in order to push them into more proper positioning. These treatments have the ability to:

  • Resolve chewing problems associated with crooked or severely misaligned teeth
  • Improve certain speech impairments
  • Make it easier to brush, clean, and floss teeth, thus reducing cavities and periodontal disease
  • Improve bite problems, including underbites, crossbites, excessive overbites, and open bites
  • Eliminate overcrowding and excessive space between teeth

Available orthodontic options:

Here are some treatments available from your orthodontist's offices in Rockwall and Garland, TX:

Invisalign: Invisalign uses a series of invisible aligner trays that are replaced every two weeks for about nine months and worn for about 20-22 hours a day. Some of the advantages to this option include how their transparent look maintains the beauty of your smile during treatment, and how you can take them out during meal times, thus eliminating any dietary restrictions.

Traditional orthodontic treatments: You have several options when it comes to treatments that utilize the traditional orthodontic method of brackets and wires:

  • Traditional metal braces: Small metal brackets are bonded to the front of teeth and interlaced with a routinely adjusted wire.
  • Ceramic braces: Utilizing a similar method of brackets and wires as traditional metal braces, these braces differ in that the brackets are made of ceramic, thus making them less visible.
  • Lingual braces: Using the same materials and methodology as metal braces, these brackets differ from their counterparts by being bonded to the back of teeth instead of the front.

Have questions? Give us a call

Interested in treatment? Make sure to contact your orthodontist, Dr. Mark Allen, by dialing (972) 772-2500 for the Rockwall office, or dial (972) 675-1212 for the Garland, TX, location.

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