What is a Root Canal Procedure?

Root canals have come a long way from the tedious, unpleasant experiences they were known to be. 

The American Association of Endodontists (dentists who specialize in the interior regions of the teeth) conducted a recent survey that found 60 percent of its respondents fearing a root canal more than any other dental procedure. Persistent rumors still exist about Root Canal the pain and duration of root canals; these are based on outdated techniques that are no longer used. With the advances in dental technology, root canals like those performed at The Dental Practice of Lincoln Park are no more difficult, time-consuming or uncomfortable than having a cavity filled.

What is a root canal?

The purpose of a root canal - also called endodontic therapy - is to clear away the inner tissues of the tooth; this tissue, called the pulp, reaches into the roots below the gum line to connect the tooth with the body's blood supply. Root canals are usually performed because of infection; occasionally injuries may damage the pulp. The inner portions of the tooth is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected by one of the Lincoln Park dentists, then sealed with an inert latex material. The entire process takes an hour or so and only requires local anesthesia (numbing).

A crown or other restoration is usually placed later. This helps to protect the outer surface of the tooth from any further damage.

Why do I need a root canal?

Ignoring a toothache won't make the problem go away. If your Lincoln Park dentist has recommended that you get a root canal, you should do so as soon as possible. The affected tooth may become so brittle that extraction is the only viable option. Most dentists prefer to avoid extraction if at all possible; it has a longer and more restrictive recovery period than a root canal does and may also cause the teeth on either side of the empty space to become loose due to a loss of support.

The tooth may also become so infected that the bacteria spreads outside of the area. This can cause a painful abscess to develop on the gums and, in extreme cases, may lead to a bone or bloodstream infection.

Because The Dental Practice of Lincoln Park uses the most updated technology and practices in all of their procedures, you can be assured that having a root canal will be a relief rather than a hindrance!

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