Causes Of Root Canal Problems

Here’s what you should know about potential root canal complications.

Getting a root canal from one of our Lincoln Park dentists? As with any dental procedure, there are always benefits and risks. Of course, dental emergencyour goal is to make sure that your treatment always goes smoothly. However, it’s important to know potential problems that could occur after a root canal so you can be prepared for anything.

Tooth Pain

The purpose of a root canal is to eliminate the pain you are experiencing as a result of an inflamed or infected dental pulp. Of course, it’s not abnormal to experience some discomfort for a few days after your root canal.

However, the pain should never be severe. But if bacteria are left behind even after the canals have been cleaned then you may notice the discomfort goes away and then starts to hurt again. If this happens it’s time to call our Lincoln Park general dentist.

Crack in the Root

It is possible that a crack in the roots of a tooth may not be noticed during your root canal. This crack may cause bacteria to thrive and require you to need another root canal.

A Bad Restoration

Sometimes the material used to fill the root canals is defective and can cause bacteria to enter the tooth roots again. Of course, this isn’t common but we will tell you how to properly care for your restoration to prevent bacteria from re-infecting your tooth.

What should you do?

When it comes to having a root canal, you want to be able to turn to a dentist you can trust. Before your procedure we will sit down with you and discuss the details of your treatment and your after-treatment care instructions so that your restoration lasts as long as possible. If you start to notice any changes or problems, you should contact us right away. If something doesn’t feel right, you need to say something.

Have questions about your upcoming root canal? Wondering why you are experiencing dental pain? Then don’t wait to call The Dental Practice of Lincoln Park in Chicago, IL. We will answer your questions and get you in as soon as possible.

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