Common Causes for Jaw Pain

Determining the cause of your jaw pain isn't always a simple matter. Your Lincoln Park, IL dentists at The Dental Practice of Lincoln Park jaw painshare some cause reasons your jaw may be killing you.

A dental abscess

These bacteria infections affect the pulp at the center of a tooth and can cause excruciating pain. Signs of an abscess may include redness, swelling, a pimple-like bump near a tooth, tooth pain that radiates to your face and jaw, facial swelling, swollen lymph glands and fever. If you ignore abscess symptoms, bacteria may travel to other parts of your body via your bloodstream. Fortunately, prompt antibiotic treatment can prevent this from happening and end your jaw pain.

Bite issues

When your teeth don't meet together perfectly, bite issues can occur. A misaligned bite can put too much pressure on your jaw, which can cause pain. Orthodontic treatment will align your bite and get rid of your pain.


You may not even be aware that you grind or clench your teeth until your Lincoln Park dentist points out the wear on your teeth from your nightly habit. If you ever wake up with a stiff jaw, you just might be a grinder. Your dentist can provide you with a nightguard that will relieve the pressure on your jaw and help protect your teeth.


Osteomyelitis occurs when a bone in your temporomandibular joint in your jaw becomes infected. In addition to pain, symptoms of osteomyelitis include fever and facial swelling. Antibiotics can resolve the infection, but if you don't receive prompt treatment, part of jawbone can die.

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ)

TMJ causes pain in your jaw joint and the muscles surrounding the joint. You may have TMJ if your jaw clicks when you open and close your mouth, you have pain and tenderness in your jaw and face, your face swells or you have frequent headaches. Your dentist may recommend that you wear a splint that helps align your jaw. Once your jaw is aligned properly, the muscles and ligaments will begin to relax and your pain will ease.

Are you tired of dealing with jaw pain? Call your Lincoln Park, IL dentists at The Dental Practice of Lincoln Park at (773) 935-9818 to schedule an appointment.

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