The Biggest Myth Surrounding Root Canals

Need to get a root canal? Worried that it will hurt? Reading this might put your mind at ease!

You may think of a root canal and immediately say “Ouch!” But not so fast! If one of our Lincoln Park, Chicago, IL dentists has recommended that you get root canal treatment you may have read or heard horror stories, but we are here to tell you that getting a root canal is nowhere near as terrible as you might think.

If you were to ask anyone if a root canal is painful they might say yes, even if they’ve never had one before. Unfortunately, the standard perception is that a root canal is painful, but our modern dental technology makes it possible to treat an infected or damaged tooth with a root canal without any discomfort. All you have to do is ask someone who has been through one and they will most likely say that the experience was painless.

A root canal is a procedure used to remove a damaged or irritated dental pulp from inside the tooth. An infected or inflamed pulp will often cause pain and increased tooth sensitivity, which are usually the first signs that something is awry. This is the time you need to schedule an appointment with our Lincoln Park, Chicago general dentist. The sooner we treat the problem the better!

If you need to get a root canal but keep putting it off, the tooth may become so damaged or infected that it won’t be able to be saved. In this case, the tooth will need to be extracted. But our goal is to make sure that you preserve as much of your natural teeth as possible, and getting a root canal is often the best option. Many people coming in for a root canal are already complaining about considerable pain, but once the local anesthesia takes effect you’ll be able to sit back and finally enjoy the comfort of a pain-free smile. Some patients even notice immediate relief after their root canal.

The Dental Practice of Lincoln Park in Chicago, IL is dedicated to providing the best dental care possible. Whether you require extensive dental treatments or just a routine cleaning, we want our patients to always feel comfortable and satisfied when in our dental chair. Call us today if you have any questions about the services we offer.

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