FAQs about a Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implants offer a long-lasting solution to tooth loss. Lincoln Park, IL, dentists Dr. Allen Momongan and Dr. Matthew Flak of The dental implantsDental Practice of Lincoln Park help their patients care for their oral health with regular checkups, dental services, and treatments, including dental implants. If you've been considering replacing a tooth with an implant, you'll want to take a look at these commonly asked questions.

What are implants?

Implants serve as the foundation for your new tooth, replacing lost roots with titanium posts placed in your jawbone. Once in place, the implants undergo osseointegration, a process that allows them to bond to your jawbone. Thanks to this unique bonding capability, titanium implants become just as strong as your natural roots. A dental crown is connected to the implant after osseointegration occurs, restoring your tooth completely.

Are implants a good choice for me?

If you are in good oral and general health, you're probably a good candidate for dental implants. During your examination, an X-ray of your jaw will be taken to ensure that you have sufficient jawbone depth to support an implant. If your jawbone is too shallow, your Lincoln Park dentist may recommend adding bone grafts a few months before your implant procedure. 

Is the implant procedure painful?

You'll receive a local anesthetic to ensure that you don't feel any pain during your procedure. When you return home, you may experience slight pain for a few days, but more people find that it can be managed with over-the-counter painkillers.

How will my implant feel?

Dental implants feel more like natural teeth than any other restoration option. Your new tooth won't slip and irritate your gums, as dentures can, and will enable you to eat anything you want.

Are dental implants an option if I've lost more than one tooth?

Dental implants are a good choice, no matter how many teeth you've lost. Unlike a single implant, an arch of implant-supported dentures only requires four to eight implants. Although removable full dentures significantly decrease your biting power, you'll find that it's easier to eat hard or touch foods with implant-supported dentures.

Restore your smile with dental implants! Call Lincoln Park, IL, dentists Drs. Allen Momongan and Matthew Flak of The Dental Practice of Lincoln Park at (773) 935-9818 to schedule your appointment.

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