Facial Slimming by Botox Injection

Facial slimming can be done using Botox injection into the masseter muscle, a chewing muscle located at the angle of the jaw. Botox injection reduces the size of the masseter muscle, achieving facial slimming, changing an exceedingly square face to some more attractive oval or heart shaped face. Facial slimming can give you more appealing V-shaped jaw line and more elegant appearance. Botox masseter injection is also called facial slimming and Botox jaw reduction. Dr. Elseweifi in Chicago uses Botox and Xeomin for facial slimming. 

facial slimming

Why does the masseter get bigger?

  1. A big masseter muscle is common in ladies of Asian origin.
  2. In some patients, the masseter muscle gets bigger due to hyperactivity, creating extra facial width. This condition is called masseter hypertrophy. It is most often caused by bruxism (teeth clenching).
  3. Large masseters may also be genetic.

Is Masseter Botox Injection Painful?

Facial slimming by Botox injection is usually painless and often requires no anesthesia. We will numb the skin with numbing cream before the Botox injection. There is also little to no downtime required, and you will be able to resume your normal activities straight away.

Am I a candidate for facial slimming by masseter injection?

Anyone can benefit from Botox masseter injection. However, you should not get Botox masseter injection if you have moderate jowls or thick neck. Botox masseter injection in such case accentuates the saggy jowl and/or thicken neck appearance.

How long does the facial slimming by Botox injection last?

Facial slimming by Botox injection often lasts for 3 to 6 months. After the first treatment the masseter muscles begins to regain size within 3 to 6 months. This is the time to have a second treatment. However, the duration of the effect often lengthens with each treatment - so less frequent injections may be required in future.

Side effects and risks of masseter treatment

masseter treatment

  • Occasional soreness at the site of injection
  • Jaw line asymmetry: One masseter gets smaller than the other after Botox masseter injection. This is usually because the patient is asymmetrical to start with. In some patients they have a much stronger masseter on one side compared to the other. This can be easily corrected by injection some extra Botox on the bigger side.
  • Smile asymmetry: Smile asymmetry is caused by Botox injection near the angle of the mouth or by not restricting the injection to the masseter muscle. Botox then affects the muscle the pulls the corner of the mouth for smiling (zygomaticus major muscle.) This results in a crocked asymmetric smile. The condition is temporary and lasts for few months.
  • Allergic Reactions: Allergic reactions are possible after Botox and Xeomin injections. 
  • Problems swallowing, speaking, or breathing. 
  • Spread of toxin effects: The botulinum toxin in Botox or Xeomin may affect areas away from the injection site and cause serious side effects such as: loss of strength and muscle weakness, double vision, blurred vision and drooping eyelids, hoarseness or change or loss of voice, loss of bladder control, or breathing difficulty.

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