Repair Chipped Tooth

repair chipped toothA chipped tooth is a common occurrence. Even though enamel is the hardest tissue in the entire body, its strength has limitations. Biting down on something hard, getting a blow to face, or falling can give you a chipped tooth or a cracked tooth. A chipped or cracked tooth can present as toothache.

What to do if you have a Chipped Tooth

If you have a chipped tooth, call us as soon as possible. If a chipped tooth is not promptly treated, it may get infected requiring root canal treatment. Avoid chowing on the chipped tooth. Take an over-the-counter pain medication if you have pain. After you come to the office, Dr. Elseweifi will take x-rays and will do a detailed examination of the chipped tooth before recommending treatment. 

Repair of chipped tooth

Treatment for a chipped tooth depends on the size of the broken part and amount of damage to the tooth. Treatment includes bonding, crowns or veneers. A badly damaged tooth with exposure of the pulp may require root canal treatment.

Bonding to repair a chipped tooth

Bonding to repair a chipped tooth is indicated when you have chipped off just a small piece of enamel. The tooth is bonded with a tooth-colored composite resin. Bonding is usually done in one visit. Bonding is not strong enough if the broken part is big or if it involves the chewing areas of a tooth. Bonding may not last if used to repair a chipped molar.

repair chipped tooth

Crown to repair a chipped tooth

A crown to repair a chipped tooth is indicated when a large piece of a tooth breaks off. In such cases, bonding is not strong enough to repair the chipped tooth. With severe damage to the tooth, root canal treatment may be done before the crown. A crown is usually done in two visits.

Veneer to repair a chipped tooth

veneer to repair a chipped tooth is indicated when the front of a tooth is chipped. Unlike a crown, the veneer only covers the front of the tooth. A porcelain veneer is very esthetic and can restore the color and shape of a chipped tooth. A porcelain veneer is much stronger than bonding.

repair chipped tooth

Root canal treatment to repair a chipped tooth

Root canal treatment to repair a chipped tooth is indicated if the chip exposes the pulp of the tooth. If not done, the tooth will get infected and become painful. After root canal treat

repair chipped tooth

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