Sleep Test Chicago

Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea can be made only with a sleep test. A sleep test records bioelectrical activity of your body while you sleep. It usually measures heart rate, airflow, breathing effort, blood oxygen saturation, and audio recording of snoring. 

Types of Sleep Test:

A sleep test can be of two types:

  • A home sleep test (HST) performed with specialized apnea monitors, or
  • Sleep study (polysomnography) conducted at a sleep center. 

Home Sleep Test (HST)

Dr. Elseweifi and Bucktown Dental Associates now offer patients a state-of-the-art home sleep test. The sleep test is done using a device called STATDDS Bruxism & Sleep Monitor.

This sleep test monitor provides objective data on bruxism and obstructive sleep apnea. After you use the monitor at home, Dr. Elseweifi downloads and analysis the data and writes a comprehensive report of the patient’s bruxism episodes index (BEI) and the apnea/hypopnea index (AHI). If the data suggests that you have sleep apnea, data is sent to a sleep specialist for the diagnosis of sleep apnea. 

How is the Home Sleep Test Done?

  1. A sensor is place near the nose to measure air flow
  2. A small sensor is attached to your fingure to measure heart rate and blood oxygen saturation
  3. A small electrode is placed on your face to record muscle activity
  4. Two elastic belts are placed around your chest and abdomen to measure breathing effort.

Frequently Asked Questions about Home Sleep Test:

How long do I wear the home sleep test monitor for? Answer: Usually, you were the home sleep test monitor one night.

Is the sleep test monitor uncomfortable or painful? No, home sleep test monitor is very comfortable to use.

Which is better, home sleep test (HST) or polysomnography (PSG)? Home sleep test monitor is far less expensive than a full sleep study (polysomnography). A sleep study at a sleep center collects more data and is useful for severe cases of sleep apnea.

How do I get a home sleep test? Call Bucktown Dental Associates for an appointment. We will discuss your symptoms, and plan for a home sleep test.

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