Tooth Extraction Chicago

The easy tooth extraction in Bucktown

What is tooth extraction?

tooth extraction

Tooth extraction refers to painless removal of tooth or tooth roots with minimum trauma to the surrounding tissues so that the extraction socket wound heals uneventfully. Dr. Elseweifi has extensive oral surgery training. As one the of services offered at Bucktown Dental Associates, he offers all varieties of tooth extraction in Chicago for residents of Wicker Park and Bucktown.

What is tooth extraction used for?

A patient usually comes complaining of toothache. Tooth extraction is usually performed for the following reasons:

  • Badly decayed or periodontally involved teeth that cannot be restored or kept healthy.
  • Extra teeth that block other teeth from coming in.
  • Baby teeth don't fall out in time to allow the permanent teeth to come in.
  • People getting orthodontic braces may need teeth extracted to create room for the teeth that are being moved into place.
  • People receiving radiation to the head and neck may need to have teeth in the field of radiation extracted.
  • People receiving cancer drugs may develop infected teeth because these drugs weaken the immune system. Infected teeth may need to be extracted.
  • Some teeth may need to be extracted if they could become a source of infection after an organ transplant. 
  • Impacted wisdom teeth, also called third molars are often extracted if they are decayed, cause pain or have a cyst or infection.

What are the types of tooth extraction?

There are two types of extractions:

  1. A simple tooth extraction is performed on a tooth that can be seen in the mouth. General dentists commonly do simple extractions.
  2. A surgical tooth extraction is a more complex procedure. It is used if a tooth may have broken off at the gum line or has not come into the mouth yet. 

tooth extraction

What to do before tooth extraction

  1. Inform us about any health condition you may have. 
  2. List all your medications.
  3. Tell us if you take medications for osteoporosis. Failure to do so may put you at risk of Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw. This condition causes failure of wound healing following surgical, periodontal, or root canal treatment.

Follow-Up after tooth extraction

Having a tooth taken out is surgery. You can expect some discomfort after even simple extractions. Usually it is mild. Research has shown that taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can greatly decrease pain after a tooth extraction. These drugs include ibuprofen, such as Advil, Motrin and others.

Surgical extractions generally cause more pain after the procedure than simple extractions. The level of discomfort and how long it lasts will depend on how difficult it was to remove the tooth. Your dentist may prescribe pain medicine for a few days and then suggest an NSAID. Most pain disappears after a couple of days.

A cut in the mouth tends to bleed more than a cut on the skin because it cannot dry out and form a scab. Therefore, some persistent bleeding is normal after an extraction.. Expect your saliva to be tinged with blood for several hours.

Anesthetic feeling: It shouldn’t be a matter of worry if you feel numb even after surgery, as the period of numbness depends upon the area and dosage where anesthesia was given. So, it may vary for 6 hours to as long as a day. Make sure not to chew or bite something from that area.

Nausea: Feeling of nausea is also common after extraction. There are situations when anything you eat goes out. To get rid of nausea, take a teaspoon of Jell-O mix and 4 ounces of water, every minute until the feeling is gone.

Post-operative care for a tooth extraction

We will give you detailed instructions for post-operative care after tooth extraction on what to do and what to expect after your surgery. If you have any questions, make sure to ask them before you leave the office.

Socket Preservation After Tooth Extraction

Dr. Elseweifi recommends immediate implant placement after tooth extraction. If immediate implant placement is not possible, he recommended socket preservation (also called socket grafting) immediately after tooth extraction. 

Bucktown Dental Associates

Tooth Extraction in Chicago

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