What To Expect From Teeth Whitening

The way your teeth look greatly affects your ability to make a good first impression. Many people think that their smile is not white enough. That is why they are choosing teeth whitening procedures to brighten their smile. For more information on teeth whitening, visit Dr. Kristine Morris in Easton, MD, for a sparkling smile.

What Is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is the process of lightening the color of your teeth. Whitening is often used when the tooth enamel becomes yellowed over time for a number of reasons.

What Causes Stains on Teeth?

There are many causes of discolored teeth, some of which can be prevented and others that may be out of your control, such as:

  • Food and drink like coffee, tea, dark-colored soda, red wine, and dark-colored fruits, including berries cause teeth stains
  • Smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco can both cause teeth to become discolored
  • Poor dental hygiene, such as not brushing and flossing your teeth properly, can cause the teeth to appear discolored
  • Sometimes medical treatments such as medications for high blood pressure or chemotherapy can cause teeth stains
  • As people age, the tooth enamel can wear away, revealing the darker layers underneath

Professional Teeth Whitening at Home in Easton, MD

You can get professional whitening for your teeth from the comfort of your home. Your dentist can prescribe at-home whitening kits that are tailored for your mouth.

If you are interested in this procedure, the dentist will need to make a mold of your teeth to create a tray that fits you perfectly. This helps the professional strength whitening gel they prescribe to you stay in close contact with your teeth.

Unlike drug store kits, your dentist will ensure that your gums don’t get irritated and your teeth won’t be too sensitive.

If your smile could benefit from teeth whitening, call Dr. Morris in Easton, MD, at (410) 770-9211 today.

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