The Benefits Of Same Day Crowns

If you need a dental crown, you want the treatment done as quickly and efficiently as possible. At Park Dental Wellness in Flint, MI, same-day CEREC crowns exceed our patient's expectations for realism and durability. Plus, because Dr. Linda Park does the entire procedure, you're assured of a pleasant, expert experience.

Reasons for getting a crown

Dental crowns cover and support teeth that are fractured, extensively decayed, darkly stained, or deficient in shape and/or size. Dr. Park uses X-ray imaging, your symptoms, and visual inspection to decide if a crown is a right restoration for your situation. Also, she can use crowns to support fixed bridgework and to restore today's best tooth-replacement option, the single-tooth dental implant. Flint Same Day Crowns is the way to go!

Here's how CEREC crowns work

Your restoration is designed, fabricated, and placed right in the treatment room in less than two hours. Dr. Park first prepares the tooth to receive a crown. Then, she uses a CEREC Bluescan machine to take precise digital images (impressions) of your tooth and its surrounding hard and soft tissues.

Next, using special computer software, she designs a crown perfect for your tooth. The crown will have the correct shape and an accurate bite to accommodate the opposite arch of teeth.

After that, the CEREC milling machine takes Dr. Park's information and carves the crown from a solid block of tooth-colored porcelain. This takes about 15 minutes. Dr. Park puts some finishing touches on the crown and bonds it over your tooth with a strong, permanent cement.

That's it! You go home with a beautifully restored tooth from Flint Same Day Crowns. And think about this bonus: CEREC-crowns are made from plaque-resistant ceramic. This material protects your tooth against decay and gum disease at the crown borders, says ScienceDaily.

Benefits of same-day crowns

CEREC is a dental abbreviation that stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic. In short, that means your crown:

  • Is manufactured right by your dental chair
  • Saves you money as you get to keep your tooth and avoid costly dental replacements
  • Saves you time as you're in and out of Park Dental Wellness in just under two hours
  • Enhances and strengthens your tooth so you can keep it for years to come

Contact us

At Park Dental Wellness in Flint MI, Dr. Linda Park and her friendly team are so pleased to offer their patients the best in dental treatments, diagnostics, and materials. CEREC same-day crowns are just one example. If you're contemplating a crown or other dental services, please contact us for a consultation: (810) 742-5140.

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-2:30 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm (admin only)



