Wellness Dental Care

At Park Dental Wellness your Flint dentist in MI, Dr. Linda Park, views her patients as individuals, not just a set of teeth and gums. She and her friendly team strive to deliver general dentistry services that are anything but general. Dr. Park focuses on preventive care so special she calls it wellness dental care.

Prevent disease, and stay healthy

Healthy teeth and gums translate to a healthy you, but when you experience decay, oral cancer, or gum disease, your well-being changes.

Your experienced dentist in Flint MI asks all her patients--children through adults in their senior years--to partner with her in dental wellness. In other words, be proactive in taking care of your teeth and gums, and practice the daily habits you need to preserve your teeth and gums for life.

An exam and cleaning every six months

That recommendation comes from the American Dental Association (ADA), and Dr. Park heartily concurs with it. In-office prophylactic care catches dental problems before they spiral out of control, and your hygienic cleanings keep your smile bright and free of toxic plaque and tartar. You'll receive advice on making your home oral hygiene habits and diet more effective in maintaining your oral health for life.

Other wellness strategies

Dr. Park offers innovative ways to improve your dental and overall wellness. Juice Plus+ supplements and other nutritional products give patients the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants they need to reduce inflammation, heal quicker and easier, and to strengthen their immune systems.

Also, bioelectromagnetic energy regulation (BEMER) promotes wound healing during more extensive dental work, such as bone or gum grafting, and nasal breathing instruction helps people with sleep apnea (snoring) to breath more efficiently and healthfully.

A better smile and a better you

It's our common goal, isn't it? If you're ready to have the best oral health and overall wellbeing ever, contact Park Dental Wellness today for a consultation with your dentist in Flint, MI, Dr. Linda Park. We look forward to seeing you! Phone (810) 742-5140.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-2:30 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm (admin only)



