How Porcelain Veneers Can Improve Your Smile

The dentist of Timonium, MD, knows his patients want to have better-looking smiles, but sometimes the cost can be too high. For that reason, Dr. Paul Karpovich suggests dental veneers.

What are veneers?

Veneers resurface an individual's damaged teeth. They fix stained or discolored teeth that have been damaged due to poor hygiene, drinking too much coffee and tea, smoking, chewing tobacco, or taking certain antibiotics that contain tetracycline.

Veneers also fix misshapen teeth. This includes crooked teeth, worn or chipped teeth, irregularly shaped teeth, uneven surfaces, and overcrowded teeth.

What about the procedure?

  1. When you come into the Timonium office, your doctor will examine your teeth to determine if veneers are right for you.
  2. If he decides it is, he'll resolve underlying issues first, like cavities.
  3. Next, a model of your teeth is made and sent to a lab where a custom set of veneers are made.
  4. When your veneers arrive, your dentist first removes some enamel from the surface of your teeth then cements the veneers.

Note that removing enamel is an irreversible process but necessary to prevent veneers from protruding. Teeth will feel smooth, even, and properly aligned with the rest of your teeth.

What are the advantages of dental veneers?

Veneers conceal the faults mentioned above and don't require very much anesthesia. This means you can go about your daily activities with a whole new smile. Veneers also have impressive color stability, which makes them highly resistant to staining. So you'll be able to sip your tea or coffee with no worries.

How To Care For Veneers

To take proper care of your veneers, brush twice a day, and floss at least once before bed. You want to prevent plaque buildup to prevent cavities that will damage teeth.

Need to speak with a dentist?

For more information on veneers, contact your dentist in Timonium, MD, by calling 410-628-6070. Dr. Paul Karpovich will be more than happy to help you with your dental needs!

Questions? We are here to help!

(for immediate responses, please phone 410-628-6070)

Our Location

1st floor of the Texas Station Building, near the intersection of Padonia Road & Beaver Dam Rd., near the entrance to Lowe's and Sam's Club

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Dr. Karpovich's Dental Office


9:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm



