Timonium Invisalign Treatment

It’s never too late to have a perfectly straight smile. Invisalign can help! 

45 percent of Americans believe that a smile is the most attractive feature, according to a survey conducted by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry; however, if you are dealing with a crowded, crooked, or gapped smile then you may certainly feel like your smile is your least attractive feature. The good news is that our Timonium, MD, family dentist Dr. Paul Karpovich can straighten older smiles with the help of Invisalign treatment.

What is Invisalign?

You’ve probably seen the ads on TV showing Invisalign and its clear aligner system. The aligners, which look similar to whitening trays, are molded to fit over your teeth and are designed to shift teeth into the ideal alignment based on advanced computer technology. What’s cool about Invisalign treatment is that our Timonium, MD, the dentist can show you what your smile will look like after Invisalign treatment during the consultation and planning phase.

How does Invisalign work?

Once 3D images of your mouth have been made and your aligners have been specially crafted to fit your mouth you will come back into the office so that we can place the first set of aligners in your treatment plan, as well as provide you with the rest of your aligners.

The number of aligners you’ll need to wear over the course of your treatment will depend on the severity of the dental issues you are treating. Most aligners are worn for two weeks before being replaced with the next set, and it’s important that you wear your aligners as much as possible (around 20-22 hours each day) if you want to see fast results.

Does Invisalign move teeth faster? 

If you are wearing your aligners for at least 20 hours out of the day (aim for a full 22 hours) then you may see results happening in anywhere from 12 to 18 months, which is faster than with traditional braces. Adults and teens with more minor misalignment issues may see results in less than 12 months.

What problems can Invisalign fix?

Invisalign makes it possible for older teens and adults to get a straighter smile without the whole world knowing that they are wearing braces. This can provide a more confident treatment plan. Invisalign is great for addressing most mild-to-severe alignment and malocclusions (“bad bites”) including,

  • Overbites and underbites
  • Crossbites
  • Open bites
  • Crowding
  • Spaces between teeth
  • Slightly crooked teeth

If you or your teen is interested in getting Invisalign treatment, then call our Timonium, MD, dental practice at (410) 628-6070 to schedule your no-risk consultation. It’s never too late to have the smile you deserve.

Questions? We are here to help!

(for immediate responses, please phone 410-628-6070)

Our Location

1st floor of the Texas Station Building, near the intersection of Padonia Road & Beaver Dam Rd., near the entrance to Lowe's and Sam's Club

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Dr. Karpovich's Dental Office


9:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm



