What You Should Know About Veneers

No one likes chipped, stained smiles. In fact, the opposite is true. The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry says that your smile is veneerswhat people notice most about your appearance, and they form positive--or not so positive--impressions based on it. If your smile is marred, Dr. Paul Karpovich in Timonium, MD, may have your answer: porcelain veneers. Bonded to the front of flawed teeth, beautiful, realistic veneers improve smile aesthetics and the impression you convey to those around you.

What are porcelain veneers?

They are custom-fabricated shells of premiere quality ceramic. Realistically colored and shaped, these super-thin laminates bond securely to the front of healthy teeth which have:

  • Deep stains from smoking, food, drinks, excessive fluoride exposure, and more
  • Odd shape and size
  • Defects such as chips and cracks
  • Mild spacing problems such as gaps and crowding

Also, porcelain veneers actually strengthen tooth structure. They are permanently glued on, improving enamel resilience.

The veneer process

Typically, it takes a few visits with Dr. Karpovich at his Timonium office. The first step is a comprehensive oral examination whereby your dentist determines if your gums and teeth are healthy enough for veneers. Then, he assesses the cosmetic condition of your teeth and suggests ways to improve it. Veneers may be a stand-alone cosmetic treatment, or Dr. Karpovich may combine them with others--such as composite resin bonding--for more complete enhancement.

An important part of your treatment plan is realistic input from you, the patient. You should suggest changes you'd like to see. Together, you and Dr. Karpovich will finalize your care plan.

If it includes porcelain veneers, Dr. Karpovich will take oral impressions and remove a small portion of enamel from each tooth receiving a veneer. This minimal resurfacing allows the finished veneers to fit and bite together properly. After resurfacing, Dr. Karpovich will place temporary veneers over your teeth.

After your new veneers return from the dental lab, Dr. Karpovich will take off the temporary ones, carefully position the new ones on your teeth, and bond them in place using a tooth-colored cement. Dr. Karpovich can vary the color of the cement to achieve a very natural look.

Caring for veneers

Brush and floss just as you do your other teeth. See Dr. Karpovich and his team every six months for exams and cleanings and any time you are concerned about a veneer.

Usually, veneers last ten years or longer, but it is wise to be gentle with them. Limit staining foods, and avoid chomping down on candy apples or opening plastic packaging with your teeth. You will love your veneers and want to keep them in the best possible condition.


If porcelain veneers sound like a great cosmetic treatment, find out more. Contact Dr. Karpovich's office staff for a cosmetic dentistry consultation in Timonium, MD. You'll learn about your options and the benefits of a renewed smile through porcelain veneers. Call today: (410) 628-6070.

Questions? We are here to help!

(for immediate responses, please phone 410-628-6070)

Our Location

1st floor of the Texas Station Building, near the intersection of Padonia Road & Beaver Dam Rd., near the entrance to Lowe's and Sam's Club

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule

Dr. Karpovich's Dental Office


9:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-4:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm



