Maintaining Your Dentures

Tooth loss not only affects a person's ability to speak and eat properly, but it also leads to major problems with bone density and a loss of self-esteem. Fortunately, Dr. Don Timpton of Carmel Commons Dental provides patients with dentures at his Charlotte, NC, office.

More about Dentures

Dentures are oral appliances that replace missing teeth and improve a person's ability to speak, eat, and even smile. Dentures also support the facial bones and soft tissues, thus improving one's overall appearance. There are many types of dentures, including full dentures, overdentures, and removable dentures, just to name a few.

The full or partial dentures have a gum-colored base (pinkish) made of plastic resin. They fit over the bone ridge where the missing teeth were. Attached to the pink base are prosthetic teeth that look and function just like natural teeth. Dentures sit in the mouth using a suctioning effect against the bone, so make sure that your dentures fit properly before leaving your Charlotte dentist's office.

How to Maintain Dentures

Brush your teeth using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Make sure you also floss, after removing the dentures. Schedule regular dental visits with your dentist to have your natural teeth professionally cleaned and for an overall examination to ensure teeth and gums are healthy. Visit Dr. Timpton if dentures fit loosely.

Make sure to:

  • Rinse dentures after eating by running water over them.
  • Don't bend the dentures while cleaning them to avoid breakage.
  • Brush them daily using a soft-bristled brush and a nonabrasive denture cleanser.
  • Soak dentures in water overnight to avoid warping them.
  • If you use a denture-soaking solution instead of water, rinse the dentures before wearing them to avoid exposing yourself to harmful chemicals.

Take extra precautions when cleaning dentures by avoiding the following:

  • Using abrasive toothpastes
  • Brushing dentures vigorously
  • Using whitening toothpaste or bleach-containing products
  • Exposing dentures to hot water

Do you need to speak with a dentist?

Dr. Don Timpton of Carmel Commons Dental provides patients with dentures at his Charlotte, NC, office. If you'd like to learn more, call (704) 540-2443.

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