Reasons Sealants May Be Right For Your Teeth

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, up to 70 percent of children experience some degree of tooth decay before their 19th birthday. While much of this tooth decay is mild in nature, it can easily lead to more serious conditions such as pain, infection and even tooth loss if not properly treated in a timely manner.

Rather than visiting your Charlotte dentist to treat your children's tooth decay after it happens, why not prevent it in the first place with dental sealants for children from Carmel Commons Dental?

What are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are thin pieces of clear or shaded plastic that are placed over the teeth to protect them from cavities. The sealants work by forming a thin barrier over the teeth in order to keep any food and bacteria from getting lodged within the grooves and recesses of the teeth, especially the back teeth, which can be difficult to clean out properly.

What are the Benefits of Dental Sealants?

The biggest benefit of obtaining dental sealants from a Charlotte dentist at Carmel Commons Dental is that dental sealants are virtually 100 percent effective against cavities, especially when they are cared for properly. Dental sealants are also safe, effective, affordable and minimally invasive. They protect your teeth from developing cavities in the first place, so you do not have the hassle and expense of filling the cavities later.

Who Should Get Dental Sealants?

While anyone could benefit from obtaining dental sealants from a Charlotte dentist, children and those with week teeth are the best candidates. Children's teeth are often especially cavity prone, and their teeth are also more difficult to clean since they generally cannot brush them all by themselves. Dental sealants for children help prevent children from developing cavities.

If you are interested in getting dental sealants for your children, you are making a great choice for their oral health. Call your favorite Charlotte dentist at Carmel Commons Dental to set up an appointment or consultation today.

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