How Root Canals Stop Pain

Instead of causing pain, this dental procedure actually stops dental pain in its tracks.

You’ve probably heard and read horror stories surrounding root canals; however, this dental treatment is really not as scary and intimidating as it might seems. Perhaps you’ve heard how painful and uncomfortable it is. Your Charlotte, NC dentist is here to offer up Root Canaldetails surrounding root canals and how this procedure actually eliminates pain and doesn’t cause it.

What Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is performed when the pulp - the inner workings of the tooth that contain nerves, blood vessels and tissue - is either infected or damaged. This can be the result of traumatic injury, infection or severe decay. When this happens the only way to save the tooth is to remove the damaged pulp and clean out the infection.

Why Is a Root Canal Performed?

A root canal is performed on a damaged or infected tooth to preserve it. A root canal’s goal is also to prevent a tooth extraction from needing to occur in the future.

What Does a Root Canal Entail?

This procedure is performed under local anesthesia to numb the area prior to treatment. Once numb, we will drill through the hard layers of the tooth to get to the pulp chamber. Then we will remove the diseased tissue and pulp, as well as disinfect and flush out the inside of the tooth. In some cases, we may place medications into the pulp chamber to fight the infection. If your Charlotte, NC dentist recommends multiple visits to perform your root canal, then we will place a temporary filling over the tooth to protect it.

Once the tooth has been treated, we will use a paste and rubber material to fill the tooth and then place a dental crown over it to restore the tooth back to its original function.

Is a Root Canal Painful?

While a lot of patients worry that a root canal will be painful, the procedure is really no more involved then getting a dental filling. Furthermore, local anesthesia is used to prevent any discomfort felt during the procedure; however, most patients coming to us are dealing with a significant amount of pain and swelling due to infection. The actual goal of the root canal is to eliminate the source of that pain.

If you are suffering from tooth pain that won’t go away, this could be a sign of an infection or damage. Tooth pain is considered a dental emergency and needs to be treated right away. Don’t wait to call Dr. Don G. Timpton, DDS, your Charlotte, NC dentist at Carmel Commons Dental, for immediate dental care.

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