
Are You Wearing the Wrong Shoes?

Tone It Up (#TIU), a website dedicated to educating people on fitness and nutrition, features a member of their “community” every Tuesday. One of the questions the TIU team asks the members on the feature is “Did you have any setbacks along the way? How did you overcome them?” A recent members response is as follows:

“I did actually have a pretty big set-back. In May 2012, I ran the 500 Festival Mini Marathon, but I ran in the wrong shoes (minimalist shoes). Shortly after finishing, my left foot began hurting badly. I went to the doctor and found out that I had two stress fractures in my foot, which forced me to stop just about all types of exercise for several months. I’ve just recently reintroduced running back into my routine. Even though it’s been over a year, still bothers me. Now, I’m a huge advocate for making sure people wear the best shoes for their body!”

As this member states, you do need to find the best shoes for YOU. A doctor or shoe salesman can’t say, “this is the perfect shoe for all runners, walkers, etc.” Each person needs to be evaluated in a few different ways and seeing a podiatrist is the first step in a successful exercise regimen.