
When You Need the Real Deal – Custom Orthotics

Life is all a matter of choices. When it comes to the Roanoke, VA community, there are plenty of options for a dining experience: Frankie Rowland’s Steakhouse, Bent Mountain Bistro, Ben Gui Sushi, and McDonald’s are all selections that one can make. Hopefully this illustrates what we mean when we say that not all orthotics are equal!

If you’re hungry, you can venture into a chain restaurant and purchase a product that will quiet a rumbling stomach. The nutritional value might be questionable and it wasn’t likely prepared just for you or up to your specifications, but it takes care of the hunger, right? Well, when we talk about orthotics, that microwaved burger is the equivalent of the over-the-counter inserts you can buy at any chain pharmacy or retail store.

Prescription orthotics, on the other hand, are like an exquisite meal crafted by a master chef. The ingredients are first-class, they are created with your specifications in mind, and you will be considerably more pleased with the overall experience.

There are times and places for both versions of orthotics. The prefabricated, mass-produced models can improve cushioning for your feet. If you work in a job where you stand all day, or if you are an athlete who does not have pain or an abnormal foot structure, this might be fine.

However, when you have a medical issue of any sort that causes pain or leads to abnormal biomechanics, then custom orthotics is the way to go. These medical devices are prepared for your unique feet and take your specific gait pattern into consideration. They can be helpful for flat feet, high arches, neuromas, plantar fasciitis, and a variety of other medical conditions store-bought inserts cannot treat.

If you want extra cushioning, go on and head to any local store and pick up a pair of over-the-counter inserts. If you need a pair of custom orthotics that are created for your unique feet to treat a medical condition, come to Shenandoah Podiatry. Don’t put up with painful conditions in your feet any longer! Call our Roanoke, VA office at (540) 904-1458, or simply use our online form to schedule your appointment at either of our locations today.