
A Brief Introduction to Dr. Marshal Gwynn

0984582001548293096.jpgHi, my name is Marshal Gwynn and I am brand new at blogging! I just recently moved from Binghamton, NY to just south of Salem to work at Shenandoah Podiatry. I was born in Portland, OR and grew up in Wenatchee, WA. I did my undergraduate schooling at Brigham Young University in Provo, UT. I kept moving east when I decided to attend the Ohio College of Podiatry Medicine in Cleveland, OH. One of my fourth year rotations was done at the Salem VA Hospital. I absolutely loved my rotation, especially when I had time to get out in the community and see some of the sites. I still remember hiking to the Dragon’s Tooth on the Appalachian Trail. I still have pictures of the Roanoke Star when I visited. After podiatry school I received my three years of surgical training at United Health Services Hospitals in Binghamton, NY. I was excited when I saw an opening at Shenandoah Podiatry, because of the possibility of returning to this area.

It was during my schooling that I met my first, and only, Virginian girl. Long story short we got married. I’ve been promising for years to bring her home to Virginia again. As excited as I am to move to this area it doesn’t hold a candle to how happy my wife is to be in the area. It is our plan to be here for years to come. I look forward to meeting and serving the people in this community.

Come visit me in both offices! I am in Troutville on Mondays and Thursdays and in Blacksburg on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.