What Invisalign Can Do For You

0133866001561382420.jpgBy now, most people have heard about Invisalign. Maybe you even know someone who has undergone Invisalign treatment and is beaming about the results. If you are an older teen or adult living with a crooked or misaligned smile in Chelsea New York, NY, our cosmetic dentists Dr. Joseph Sachs and Dr. Robert Cruz could fix these imperfections and straighten your smile with Invisalign, a clear approach to braces.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a clear orthodontic system that instead of using brackets and wires like traditional braces uses clear aligners that are made from transparent medical-grade plastic. Each aligner, which looks similar to a mouthguard or whitening tray, is custom made to fit firmly over your upper and lower teeth to gradually shift them into place. The transparent plastic makes aligners far less visible than other orthodontic treatments.

What problems can Invisalign fix?

Over the years Invisalign’s technology has become more and more advanced, making it possible to treat a wider range of minor to more complex dental issues. While Invisalign won’t be the best method for handling all issues it can fix bad bites (also referred to as malocclusions) such as underbites, overbites and cross bites, crooked teeth, gaps between teeth, and crowding.

How will Invisalign work?

Once our Chelsea New York dentist has determined that Invisalign is the right treatment option for getting a straighter smile, we will use special computer technology and a digital camera to snap images of your teeth and to then create 3D images from those photos to design each aligner. With special computer technology we will map out every detail and step involved in getting a straight smile. From there, a dental lab will use this information to create your aligners.

Once your aligners are ready you will wear each one for about 2 weeks at a time, after which you will replace them with the next set in your treatment plan. It’s important that you wear them as often as you can, only removing them before brushing and flossing, and eating or drinking. Even though aligners can be removed, you should still be wearing them about 22 hours every day.

Dr. Sachs & Associates of Chelsea New York want to help you achieve the ideal smile. If you are ready to find out if your smile could benefit from Invisalign then call our office today to schedule a consultation.

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