When Is Laser Dentistry Used?

What exactly is laser dentistry? If you are one of those people who’ve never heard about lasers being used for dentistry, you’re not alone, and it’s time that you find out all about it. Essentially, laser therapy is a minimally-invasive procedure that could be an option for people facing cavity treatment, gum surgery, or other oral health treatments.

Here at Inspiration Dental in Riverview, FL, our dentists, Dr. Janis Milne and Dr. Rosie Kickish, regularly utilize laser dentistry to address various oral health concerns.

The Basics of Laser Dentistry

Medical professionals commonly utilize laser therapy, which entails precisely targeted light beams for removing or altering tissues in tiny increments. In dentistry, laser therapy is utilized for a multitude of treatments that involve the mouth tissues, such as teeth whitening, gum reshaping, or eliminating overgrown tissues. In some cases, it’s recommended for individuals, regardless of age, who have dental fear or anxiety because it’s sometimes quicker and more efficient than traditional dentistry procedures.

Dentists use two primary kinds of lasers, one for treating soft tissue and the other for treating hard tissue. Each type of laser makes use of a different wavelength, ideal for treating a specific tissue type. These are effective since each tissue type is capable of absorbing light wavelengths in various ways. With this in mind, it will be up to your dentist in Riverview, FL, to determine which laser will be used for your laser dentistry procedure.

Oral Health Problems That Laser Dentistry Can Treat

The majority of problems that are eligible for laser dentistry are associated with gum issues, including:

  • Root canal infections
  • Cold sores and canker sores
  • Gum disease
  • Gum reshaping
  • Crown lengthening

The Advantages of Laser Dentistry

Individuals who are qualified for laser dentistry procedures will experience the following benefits:

  • Reduced pain and discomfort
  • Fewer dental sutures
  • No need for an anesthetic
  • Minimized infection risk
  • Shorter recovery time

Put simply, laser dentistry is a viable and convenient option for a host of dental and oral health issues, whether cosmetic or functional.

Find Out If You Qualify for Laser Dentistry Now, Speak to Us

Dial (813) 677-1200 to set an appointment with your dentist, Dr. Janis Milne or Dr. Rosie Kickish, here at Inspiration Dental in Riverview, FL.

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8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


11:00 am-6:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


10am - 2pm Patient Admin Assistance Only, or by Appointment



