We Offer CEREC Same-Day Crowns

Now you can get a dental crown in just one day with help from our Riverview, FL, dentists. 

Life is busy. We understand, however, life should never be so busy that you can’t take the time to get the dental treatment you need. When a tooth is cracked, damaged, or weak, our Riverview, FL, family dentist Dr. Janis Milne may recommend a dental crown. Traditionally, it takes about 2-3 dental visits before you can get your permanent crown, but thanks to CEREC technology, we can create and place your permanent crown in just a single visit.

What does CEREC stand for and what does it mean? 

CEREC stands for the chairside economical restoration of esthetic ceramics. This advanced in-office technology allows our Riverview, FL, cosmetic dentist to measure your teeth, design and fabricate your crown, and place the restoration all in one visit. Computer-aided technology guides our dental team through the process of creating a crown based on exact and precise measurements of your tooth.

Instead of turning to an outside dental lab to make your crown, the dental team here at Inspiration Dental can do all the work of designing and making your new restoration right here in our Riverview, FL, office.

What does the CEREC crown process involve? 

Instead of coming in for multiple appointments, you’ll only need one. All of our CEREC crowns are made from ceramic, which is not only durable but also is matched to the shade of your teeth so that the crown looks just like your natural smile. Once the tooth has been filed down and shaped, we will begin the process. Here are the steps involved in the CEREC crown treatment process:

  • A handheld scanner will take digital images of your tooth instead of the standard putty impressions
  • These impressions are then displayed and made into 3D images on our CAD/CAM computer software, where we will design your new restoration
  • Once the restoration has been designed, the data is sent to our milling station where we will place a block of ceramic from which the station will chisel out your crown. This might sound like an elaborate process, but it only takes about 15 minutes
  • From there, Dr. Milne and her team will check the shape, color, and fit of the crown before permanently cementing it into place

Do you have questions about getting CEREC crowns from our Riverview, FL, restorative dentist, Dr. Milne? Want to find out if your smile is right for this popular dental treatment? To learn more about CEREC crowns, call Inspiration Dental at (813) 677-1200.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


11:00 am-6:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


10am - 2pm Patient Admin Assistance Only, or by Appointment



