
What Is Causing My Heel Pain?

How your podiatrist in Lees Summit, MO, can help you get relief from heel pain.

Do you have constant pain in your heel, even when you are sitting down? Chronic heel pain is a common problem, and your podiatrist can help. Dr. Jeff Harsch at Foot & Ankle Clinic in Lees Summit, MO, offers a wide variety of foot and ankle services, including treatment of heel pain.

Chronic heel pain can be debilitating, keeping you from enjoying your everyday activities. Heel pain can develop from several different causes, including:

  • Stepping on sharp objects, which can bruise your heel
  • Developing excess calcium deposits which can cause a heel spur
  • Inflammation of your heel tissue, known as plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. It’s a condition that often affects runners and anyone who experiences chronic foot stress. Plantar fasciitis has other causes too, including:

  • Overpronating, or rolling your feet when you walk
  • Walking or standing on hard surfaces for a long period of time
  • Having flat feet or being overweight

For minor plantar fasciitis pain, you can try a few things at home to get relief. You can try:

  • Doing gentle arch and heel stretches each day
  • Taking over-the-counter pain and anti-inflammatory medication
  • Wearing heel inserts or cushions inside your shoes

For moderate to severe heel pain, you should visit your podiatrist for help. Common professional treatments to relieve heel pain include:

  • Wearing custom orthotics to correct your walk and cushion your feet
  • Physical therapy to reduce tendon and ligament stress and help you stay flexible
  • Corticosteroid injections to help reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain
  • Prescription-strength anti-inflammatory medication
  • Extracorporeal shock wave treatment (ESWT)

Don’t let heel pain keep you from enjoying your life. To find out more about the causes and treatment of heel pain, call Dr. Jeff Harsch at Foot & Ankle Clinic in Lees Summit, MO. You can reach him in the office by calling (816) 525-2405, so call today.

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Our Office Hours

Jeff L. Harsch, D.P.M., F.A.C.F.A.S.


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



