The Benefits of Dental Crowns

Crowns cover up heavily restored teeth and/or severely damaged teeth. Your dentist in Orange Park, FL, Dr. Michael0234977001552945430.jpgVanover at Vanover Dentistry of Orange Park, can help you!

How Dentists Help with Crowns

Crowns are cap-like porcelain dental restorations. When you have many crowns to do at the same time, your Orange Park, FL, family dentist takes an impression of your teeth and sends them to a lab where custom crowns are made just for you. In the meantime, you'll be given a temporary crown. However, when you're dealing with a single tooth, the final crown is made in only 1 hour, right here in the office, and therefore avoiding a second appointment, and the temporary crown.

During restorative procedures, such as root canals, a significant amount of natural tooth is removed. This leaves the tooth susceptible to breakage, which is why a dental crown is placed over the tooth. The dental crown reinforces the tooth and allows it to withstand various degrees of pressure, meaning you can enjoy eating without the worry of ruining your tooth.

More About Crowns

Here are some other uses for dental crowns:

  • Attaching bridges
  • Covering dental implants
  • Covering an existing filling that may be dislocated
  • Covering stained or discolored or mis-positioned teeth

Dental hygiene is crucial for maintaining crowns and your overall oral health.

  • You need to brush at least twice a day and floss before bed. Make sure to give special attention to the area around your dental crowns.
  • Use fluoride-containing products that can prevent tooth decay, like toothpaste and mouthwash.
  • Maintain a healthy diet. Crowns can last for many years, so be sure to avoid biting into ice and restrict the consumption of sugary or acidic products, such as soda, candy, and even fruit-flavored drinks.
  • Wear an occlusal guard if you suffer from bruxism (teeth grinding) to increase the lifespan of your dental crowns.


For more information on dental crowns and what they can do for you, contact your dentist Dr. Michael Vanover in Orange Park, FL, by calling (904) 272-2438 today!

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