Improve Your Smile With Veneers

Veneers give our patients beautiful smiles for life. Here's how...

Most people aren’t born with perfect smiles, unfortunately, everything from cigarette smoke and diet to a person’s lifestyle can lead to chipped, worn, misshapen, or discolored teeth. If you are feeling self-conscious about your smile, our Orange Park, FL, cosmetic dentist Dr. Michael Vanover can help you overcome that self-consciousness with dental veneers.

What are veneers? 

Veneers are thin shells made from medical-grade porcelain that are crafted to mimic the look of real tooth enamel. Each veneer is custom-designed to cover the entire front surface of one or more teeth. These porcelain shells are incredibly durable and stain-resistant, meaning that with the proper care they could last up to 15 to 20 years before needing to be replaced.

What can dental veneers do for my smile? 

There are many reasons people are turning to our Orange Park, FL, family dentist for dental veneers.

Are dental veneers right for you? Here are some of the benefits this cosmetic dental treatment has to offer:

  • A straighter smile 
    If you’re dealing with crooked or slightly misaligned teeth you may think you need to turn to an orthodontist for braces; however, dental veneers can provide an amazing alternative to braces. Since veneers cover the front of your teeth, they have the ability to make teeth appear straighter without ever needing to get braces.

  • Fix minor dental damage 
    Chips and cracks are fairly common; unfortunately, even the smallest of dental damage can weaken teeth over time. In order to prevent further damage, our dental team may recommend covering these teeth with porcelain veneers. Not only will veneers improve the shape and appearance of a chipped or cracked tooth, but they will also reinforce the tooth to strengthen and improve its durability over the years.

  • Reshape and resize teeth 
    If you are dealing with excessively long or pointy teeth, short stubby teeth or you have a couple of teeth that are a bit misshapen and stand out from the rest, veneers can also ensure that all of your teeth are shaped and sized the same way for a more symmetrical smile.

  • Fill gaps 
    If you have gaps between teeth this can be another common dental flaw that may make it feel awkward to smile. If so, veneers can also easily cover up gaps and other spacing issues you’re dealing with.

If you’d like to discuss dental veneers with our Orange Park, FL, dental team and find out if this is the right cosmetic treatment for you, then call Vanover Dentistry today at (904) 272-2438.

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