How fillings can make teeth strong and healthy

You know that cavities are supposed to be bad, but are they really that big of a deal? If you do have a little cavity, do you have to visit Michael D. Vanover DDS, your dentist at Vanover Dentistry of Orange Park, for a filling? The truth is: yes you do. Getting cavities detected and fixed with Fillings as soon as possible when they are small problems, before they become larger, serious, expensive problems is essential for making your teeth strong and healthy again. Here's what happens....

Every day when you eat, drink and breathe, tiny food particles and bacteria take up residence on your teeth. If your teeth aren't properly taken care of, cavities will begin to form, putting your oral health at risk. While a tiny cavity isn't a huge emergency, even a small cavity does require a visit to your dentist at Vanover Dentistry of Orange Park for a filling sooner rather than later.

When Are Fillings Used?

Fillings fill in the gaps that are caused by cavities. Not only do they help your teeth look more attractive, but they also make your teeth stronger and healthier as well.

Without a filling to remove and close in a cavity, bacteria can easily become trapped in the small cracks and crevices cavities cause on your teeth. As a result, even if you brush, floss and rinse, the bacteria will not come out and the cavity will only spread. It likely won't be long until your tiny cavity turns into a very large, more expensive problem.

Once cavities become bigger, they open you up to the risk for all sorts of new problems as well. Not only do they put your teeth at risk for breaking, but they also increase your chances of tooth root damage, infection and disease. Your teeth could become loose, wear away and even fall out. You could end up needing a Root Canal, Crown, Dental Implants, or even Dentures. It happens every day.

How Can I Protect Myself From Ever Needing a Filling?

Thankfully, preventing this problem is easy. First, brush, floss and rinse every day, and then be sure to visit your favorite Orange Park dentist, Dr. Vanover, regularly for routine cleanings, exams and to detect problems early before they before larger and more serious. The sooner Dr. Vanover spots your forming cavity, the less damage there will be and the easier it will be to fix.

Cavities form quietly, so even if your mouth seems fine, you may have cavities forming you don't even know about yet. Call Vanover Dentistry of Orange Park and schedule a dentist appointment with Dr. Vanover today. Your teeth may depend on it!

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