Dental Services to Improve your Teeth

Would you like to improve your smile? Your Orange Park, FL, dentist, Dr. Michael Vanover, offers a variety of services designed to restorative dentistryenhance your appearance and keep your teeth healthy. He shares a little information on several common dental treatments and services.

Teeth whitening

There's no need to live with a dull smile when professional teeth whitening can lighten your teeth by up to eight shades. Unlike over-the-counter kits that can take weeks to produce results, professional whitening only takes one session. If you prefer, you can also whiten at home with whitening trays custom-made to fit your mouth.

Tooth extractions

Sometimes tooth extraction is the best choice for your oral health. Teeth that are broken or extensively damaged by tooth decay may need to be extracted, but the procedure may also be performed if you have impacted wisdom teeth or will be wearing braces and need a little more room in your mouth. Your comfort is Dr. Vanover's concern when you visit his Orange Park office. In addition to local anesthetics that will keep you comfortably numb during the extraction, you can also choose oral sedation.


Sealants help prevent tooth decay from affecting your molars. When plaque accumulates in the small pits and grooves in your back teeth, it can cause tooth decay. Sealants prevent decay by filling in those depressions with a plastic-based material that can't be penetrated by plaque. Although sealants are often recommended for children, they're also a good choice for adults.

Dental veneers

Do you have a minor imperfection or two that makes you a little self-conscious about your smile? Dental veneers offer an effective way to hide small flaws. The thin porcelain shells are bonded to the fronts of your teeth and cover chips, cracks, discolorations and oddly shaped teeth. Veneers also conceal small gaps between teeth.

Removable dentures

You'll feel like smiling again after you replace your missing teeth with removable dentures. Both full and partial dentures improve your appearance and make eating and speaking clearly easier.

Would you like to find out how Dr. Vanover can help you improve smile? Call his Orange Park, FL, dental office at (904) 272-2438 to schedule an appointment.

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