The Benefits of Professional Teeth Cleanings from Your Dentist

You may be one of the many people who believe that simply brushing your teeth is enough to keep them healthy and clean. However, professional teeth cleaningsthere are several other important tasks required to keep your smile free from gum disease and teeth decay, including professional teeth cleanings. But what makes cleanings important and what will they do for your smile? Find out with Dr. Michael Vanover at Vanover Dentistry in Orange Park, FL.

How should I care for my teeth?
Caring for your teeth begins at home, with regular brushing and flossing. Brush twice daily with a soft brush for at least two minutes each time. Floss once a day between every tooth. In addition to your daily at-home care, you should also see your dentist at least twice a year for regular preventative dental examinations and professional dental cleanings.

What makes professional cleanings important?
Professional cleanings remove all the decay-causing plaque and tartar from your teeth. In addition to simply cleaning the teeth, these procedures give you a clean slate, allowing you to start over with your at-home routine if you have fallen behind. This bi-annual treatment is crucial to keeping your teeth decay-free, as tartar can only be removed from the teeth by a professional cleaning. Additionally, examinations and cleanings can help your dentist spot and treat conditions like cavities or gum disease early, before they require more invasive and costly treatments.

Professional Dental Cleanings in Orange Park, FL
Everyone, regardless of age or condition, should see their dentist at least two times a year to provide the best care of their mouth including the prevention of tooth decay and gum disease, and increasing the lifespan of their existing dental work. For more information on professional cleanings, please contact Dr. Vanover at Vanover Dentistry in Orange Park, FL. Call (904) 272-2438 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Vanover today!

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