Dental Crowns Strengthen Damaged Teeth

Teeth that are worn down or damaged can be strengthened with dental crowns. Normal biting and chewing functions can be difficult when dental crownsteeth are not strong enough. The pain and discomfort can cause you to avoid using those teeth. This puts strain on the surrounding teeth, which end up taking on extra work to compensate for weaker teeth. Dental crowns protect and strengthen damaged teeth so they can resume normal functioning. At Vanover Dentistry of Orange Park, Dr. Michael Vanover is your dentist in Orange Park, FL, for dental crowns.

What are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns fit over the tops of teeth that are weak, damaged, or have cosmetic imperfections. A dental crown completely encapsulates the problem tooth and serves as a protective cap, safeguarding the tooth against further damage. The crown also conceals such imperfections as cracks, chips, or stains. Dental crowns look and function like natural teeth. Once placed, no one will know you have crowns on any of your teeth. Additionally, you can resume biting, chewing, and eating food normally without further pain or discomfort.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are custom made to match the size, shape, and color of your existing teeth. Your Orange Park dentist will take an impression of your teeth, which will be used to create custom crowns for you. When the dental crowns are ready to be installed, the dentist will place them directly over the corresponding teeth to check the fit. After confirming the dental crowns fit properly, they will be permanently cemented in place so they will not come loose or fall out. Once placed, your new dental crowns will look just like regular teeth.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

There are multiple benefits to having dental crowns installed. As mentioned, dental crowns strengthen damaged teeth and restore normal functioning. They also conceal various cosmetic flaws, such as cracks, chips, stains, discolorations, and misshaped teeth. Additional benefits of dental crowns include the following:

  • Strengthen damaged teeth
  • Restore normal functioning
  • Protect teeth that are weak or worn down
  • Alleviate strain on surrounding teeth
  • Conceal cosmetic imperfections
  • Improve the appearance of your smile

Dental crowns strengthen damaged teeth that are too weak to perform normal biting and chewing functions. They also conceal a variety of cosmetic imperfections. To find out if dental crowns are right for you, schedule an appointment with Dr. Vanover, your Orange Park, FL, dentist, by calling Vanover Dentistry of Orange Park at (904) 272-2438.

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