Dentures And Partials

Do you suffer with a loose denture? Does your partial have ugly metal clasps that show when you smile?

There are better solutions these days, and we can help you.

Ask Vanover Dentistry of Orange Park about the "Implant Snap-in Denture" or the "All-on-4 Implant Denture", or the "Cosmetic, Hidden-Clasp" Partial. We can make your denture or partial look and fit better.

Today you dont have to settle for a poorly fitting glue-in denture.  Today we can do dentures that snap into 2 or 4 implants and are stable and secure so you can smile, talk and eat normally again.  We can also make dentures that rest completly on implants that dont come out at all, so there is nothing you have to remove after meals or at bedtime.... just brush and floss as you would your natural teeth.

Dr. Vanover knows that to truly feel confident in your appearance, a nice smile is at the top of the list. If you have lost or are losing your teeth, you will want to discuss dentures with Dr. Vanover. Should some of your teeth remain and are healthy, a partial denture may be the answer to achieving a great smile.

Both complete dentures and partial dentures are removable and custom fitted to each patient. They are made of an acrylic resin which may include porcelain or metal for additional structural support. If dentures are properly maintained, they will appear natural and give you the smile you desire. Dentures also help strengthen the muscles in your face that control your expressions that require the support of your teeth, help with chewing, and allow you clear speech that missing teeth can inhibit.

If you have many missing teeth, or have had a lifetime battle with gum-disease, or just aren't happy with the way your present dentures or partials feel or look, then come discuss your concerns with Dr. Vanover and he will help you. He can assess your individual situation and give you options on how to correct your specific problem.

What is the process for dentures?

Many times teeth will need to be extracted. However, you will not need to be without teeth because we can have your denture ready the same day you get your teeth extracted.

Our staff will take impressions of your mouth and will take necessary measurements of your mouth and teeth. An appointment will be made so that you can select the color, shape and fit of your dentures. When you receive your custom fitted dentures, our staff will work with you so you understand the required care and how to place them.

Now Available.... Implant placement (to keep your dentures secure) done right here in our Orange Park office.

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8:00 am-7:00 pm


8:00 am-4:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm





