Find Relief From Your Heel Pain

Heel pain can put quite the damper on your life. Find out how to end your pain once and for all.

It’s amazing just how much heel pain can affect our day-to-day lives. Whether it’s too painful to get around the house and do chores or heel painheel pain has you avoiding your standard workout, pain shouldn’t be dictating your life. If this is an issue you are dealing with, our Sparta, NJ podiatrist, Dr. Philip Caswell, can help.

While coming into our office to visit our Sparta, NJ foot doctor is highly recommended so we can determine the cause of your heel pain, many cases of heel pain are caused by plantar fasciitis, an inflammatory condition that affects the band of tissue known as the plantar fascia. If this is the case there are quite a few things you can do to give your feet the TLC they deserve:

  • Apply an ice pack to the heel to reduce pain and inflammation. Make sure to never place ice directly on the skin (always wrap an ice pack in a towel first). Apply the ice for about 15-20 minutes at a time two to three times a day.
  • Take an over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen. While it certainly won’t eliminate your pain for good it can at least temporarily provide you with the pain relief you need. Not to mention, it can also reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • Try and give your feet a break. We know how hard that can be but being stubborn and trying to go about your regular activities could just make your condition worse, which will only lengthen your recovery time. Avoid strenuous activities that put a lot of pressure on your feet until you have fully recovered. Now is your time to kick back and relax!
  • If you must exercise, we are happy to show you some exercises you can perform each day to help stretch the plantar fascia and strengthen the muscles. If cardio is your activity of choice, go with low-impact activities like swimming or the stationary bike. You can still elevate your heart rate without making your foot feel worse.
  • Talk to us about whether or not custom orthotics (aka: shoe inserts) can help cushion and support the arch and heel of your foot while also taking pressure off the area, especially when walking.

If you find that your heel pain doesn’t resolve within a few weeks despite trying these at-home measures then it’s time to visit Dr. Caswell. Don’t let heel pain tell you how to live your life. Fight back by turning to Family Foot & Ankle Care in Sparta, NJ for the care and treatment you deserve to get back on your feet and living life again.

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