How to Eliminate Foot Pain?

Foot pain doesn’t have to be a life sentence. Find out the best ways to tackle this problem now.

The human foot is pretty impressive. With 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100 tendons, ligaments and muscles this small part of our body is able to hold us up and keep us moving. Instead of giving our feet the TLC they deserve, we often abuse them. From the office of your Foot PainSparta, NJ podiatrist, Dr. Philip Caswell, find out the most common causes of foot pain and how to treat them.

Q. Do you have a painful bump at the base of your big toe? It could be a bunion!

Genetics and years of wearing tight, high-heeled shoes can leave you susceptible to developing a large and painful bunion. While anyone can get bunions, they tend to occur more often as people get older.

Even if the big toe has already started to lean inward toward the other toes you may still be able to do something to reposition it and prevent the bunion from forming. Perform a series of toe stretches and strengthening exercises every day to help restrengthen the toe. Your foot doctor in Sparta would be happy to talk to you about what foot exercises are most effective.

You can also:

  • Take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications and pain relievers
  • Try splinting or bracing the toe
  • Wear a bunion pad to prevent irritation while walking or exercising
  • Get surgery to fix the bunion (this surgery is often only recommended for those with severe and debilitating bunions that affect movement and quality of life)

Q. Are you dealing with a stiff big toe? You could be dealing with osteoarthritis!

As we get older, it’s not all that uncommon for people to develop osteoarthritis, particularly in the big toe. As the cartilage surrounding the joints begins to wear down as we age, toe stiffness and pain may occur, particularly when walking. Over time, the toe may not be able to move altogether.

If you are having any symptoms that might lead you to believe that you have osteoarthritis, you need to see your podiatrist in Sparta right away for treatment. If caught early enough, certain exercises and special shoes may be great treatment options for preventing the big toe from bending and to also improve range of motion. Custom orthotics, pain relievers and steroid injections can also help.

Q. Do you have heel pain? You might be dealing with plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis.

These are the two most common causes of heel pain and often manifest from overuse or suddenly increasing the intensity or duration of your workout regime. If you are dealing with heel pain you have options:

  • Rest the foot as much as possible
  • Elevate it to reduce swelling
  • Take OTC pain relievers
  • Wear orthotics, braces or splints to support the heel (especially when walking)
  • Alter your workout regime to avoid high-impact activities (replace with low-impact exercises like a stationary bike or swimming)

Don’t let foot pain take over your life. Turn to foot care experts in Sparta, NJ for all of your needs. Call Family Foot & Ankle Care to schedule an appointment today.

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