Don't Ignore Your Heel Pain

0527842001563822389.jpgHealing is one of the things that your body does best, however, sometimes it does need a little help. Ignoring pain in your heels may increase your risk of chronic pain if you don't receive prompt treatment. Fortunately, your Sparta, NJ, podiatrist, Dr. Philip Caswell of Family Foot & Ankle Care, offers treatments that will get you back on your feet again! 

What causes heel pain?

Heel pain can occur due to:

  • Stone Bruises: Did your pain start after you stepped on a tiny toy or rock? You may have a bruise on the fat pad under your heel. The bruises can also occur if your shoes don't provide enough cushioning. Although stone bruises generally heal on their own in a few weeks, if your pain is severe, a heel cup shoe insert may make walking more comfortable until the healing process is complete.
  • Plantar Fasciitis: Plantar fasciitis, a common cause of heel pain, happens when the plantar fascia becomes inflamed. The fascia is a long band of tough tissue on the bottom of your foot that connects your toes to your heels. Stretching the fascia with exercises and night splints can help ease your pain. Your Sparta foot doctor can also provide you with custom-made orthotics that you'll wear in your shoes to make walking less painful.
  • Achilles Tendonitis: Your risk of developing Achilles tendonitis rises as you age, particularly if you participate in a sport or exercise that requires jumping and running. When the long tendon at the back of your heel becomes painful and inflamed, it's never a good idea to ignore your symptoms. This is because if you continue with your normal activities, the tendon can tear or even rupture. Fortunately, tendon injuries can be treated with physical therapy, walking boots, heel cups, shockwave therapy, and cortisone injections.
  • Fractures: A fracture is a definite possibility if you have experienced severe heel pain after a jump or fall. These fractures cause small cracks in bones and occur when you overwork your muscles. A walking cast or boot and crutches can help keep pressure off the fracture while it heals.

Are you tired of living with heel pain? Call your Sparta, NJ, podiatrist, Dr. Philip Caswell of Family Foot & Ankle Care, at (973) 300-9151 to schedule an appointment.

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