Preventing Bunions

How your podiatrist in Sparta, NJ, can help you get relief from bunion pain

Bunions can impact your life, causing pain in your feet and toes, and causing you to want to stay on the couch. Fortunately, your podiatrist can help you get relief from bunion pain.

Dr. Philip Caswell at Family Foot & Ankle Care in Sparta, NJ, offers comprehensive foot and ankle care, including bunion treatment.

Bunions can be caused by wearing shoes that are too narrow, and by a bone deformity in your foot. Your toes are crushed together, causing the big toe joint to bend outward. The toe joint rubs against the inside of your shoe, causing friction. The friction causes irritation and inflammation, and eventually, a bunion can form.

Did you know you can do a lot to prevent bunions? It’s true, and it all starts with wearing the right shoes. You need shoes with a wide toe box, with plenty of room for your toes to move around.

Other ways to prevent bunions include:

  • Avoiding high heels
  • Placing inserts in your shoes
  • Wearing orthotics

For small bunions, you can try to get relief by:

  • Icing the bunion several times each day
  • Taping the bunion to support and cushion it
  • Taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory and pain medication

For large, painful bunions, you should seek out the services of your podiatrist. Dr. Caswell will examine your foot and take x-rays to find out how much bone is involved in the bunion. Once a thorough evaluation has been completed, he can discuss the best treatment with you.

He may recommend:

  • Wearing splints or other devices to realign your toe and foot
  • Wearing custom made orthotics and footwear
  • Trying physical therapy and stretching
  • Removing corns and calluses

If there is significant bone involvement in your bunion, he may also recommend surgery, known as a bunionectomy. The goal of bunion surgery is to eliminate the bunion and realign your toe and foot.

You don’t have to suffer from bunion pain when help is just a phone call away. To find out more about bunion prevention and treatment, talk with an expert, your podiatrist. Call Dr. Philip Caswell of Family Foot & Ankle Care in Sparta, NJ, at (973) 300-9151. Call today!

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