Why Are Orthotics Important?

Orthotics are custom-made shoe inserts prescribed by your doctor to address foot, and foot-related, conditions. If you would like to know about all the benefits of custom orthotics, look no further than Dr. Philip Caswell of Family Foot & Ankle Care in Sparta, NJ.

Work and Sports

If you spend a lot of time on your feet, whether it is for work or you practice sports, orthotics could be very important to your overall health. Any kind of foot problem you may have will only exacerbate without the proper support. Because we support our entire bodies on our feet, unattended foot problems could become ankle problems, or leg, or back, among others.

Foot Conditions

The types of foot conditions that can be treated by orthotics are many, they range from being able to correct common foot deformities, to treating injuries, to help prevent future ones, and to support a weakened ankle or knee. They accomplish this by providing targeted support to your foot to compensate for trouble areas.

Added Benefits

Over-the-counter orthotics can be useful for mild conditions, but orthotics excel in providing customized support for every condition and for every individual. So for greater success make sure you wear them as prescribed by your doctor. Orthotics can be prescribed on their own, or be part of a plan built by your doctor that could be accompanied by physical therapy, which can potentially help you avoid more invasive treatment, such as surgery.

Orthotics in Sparta, NJ

Most of us are only familiar with the full sole orthotics for sale at the local pharmacy. But those custom-made by your doctor come in different sizes and made of different types of materials depending on what they are correcting. From smaller heel inserts to those that extend outside the shoe to support the ankle.

If you suffer from a condition that can be improved through custom-made orthotics schedule a consultation today with Dr. Caswell of Family Foot & Ankle Care in Sparta, NJ, by dialing (973) 300-9151.

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9:00 am-1:00 pm



