Foot Care With Peripheral Neuropathy

How your podiatrist in Sparta, NJ, can help you and your feet

Peripheral neuropathy is one of the many conditions associated with diabetes. Diabetes has far-reaching effects on many of your body’s systems, including the nervous system. Nerve impairment from diabetes often results in peripheral neuropathy, which occurs in the extremities, especially your feet.

The good news is, your podiatrist can help you and your feet feel better if you suffer from peripheral neuropathy pain. Dr. Philip Caswell at Family Foot & Ankle Care in Sparta, NJ, offers a wide range of podiatry services, including treatment for peripheral neuropathy.

So, how do you know if you have peripheral neuropathy? You might experience:

  • Numbness and tingling in your feet and legs
  • Sharp, stabbing pain in your feet and legs
  • A burning sensation in your feet and legs
  • A loss of strength in your legs
  • Problems maintaining your balance when you walk or stand

If you are a diabetic and you notice any of the signs or symptoms listed above, visiting your podiatrist is an excellent idea. Peripheral neuropathy may be a warning sign of potential nerve damage in your extremities.

When you have nerve damage, it means you can injure yourself and not feel it. You may cut, burn, or blister your feet or legs and not even notice it. Untreated injuries can lead to infection, which can cause additional damage to your feet or legs.

Your doctor may order lab work to check your blood sugar levels to make sure they are within a normal range. If your blood sugar is elevated, your doctor can adjust your medications to get you back on track.

Your podiatrist may recommend treating your peripheral neuropathy with:

  • Medications to limit burning and tingling symptoms
  • Physical therapy to maintain muscle strength and flexibility
  • Exercises to help you retain balance
  • Custom orthotics or footwear to cushion and protect your feet

To learn more about the signs, symptoms, and treatment of peripheral neuropathy, talk with an expert. Call Dr. Philip Caswell at Family Foot & Ankle Care in Sparta, NJ. You can reach him by calling (973) 300-9151, so call today!

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