Struggling with Toenail Fungus? We Can Help

Onychomycosis—that's the medical term for a common fungal infection of the toenails. At The Ankle and Foot Clinic in 0695928001556132876.jpgOmaha, NE, Dr. Kent DiNucci successfully treats this condition, leaving nails clearer and patents less self-conscious about their feet.

What are the signs of toenail fungus?

Affecting about three million Americans, toenail fungal infections cause nails to look thick, yellow, or streaked with white. With advanced cases, the nails may give off a foul odor and actually separate from the nail beds.

While not dangerous in and of themselves, fungal infections of the toenails can spread to other parts of the body, such as the hands. Additionally, they can spiral out of control in people with suppressed immune systems (such as diabetics) and those suffering from venous stasis (or sluggish circulation in the lower extremities).

Treating toenail fungus in Omaha

American Family Physician states that treating toenail fungus is never easy as the infection is stubborn, and species of the fungus vary. It takes the practiced eye of a podiatrist such as Dr. DiNucci, combined with lab cultures, to uncover the micro-organism and to arrive at the right medication or other cure.

Medications for toenail fungus include topically-applied preparations (e.g. an antifungal varnish, cream, or ointment) and oral anti-fungal agents. However, these pills typically are too toxic for patients with weakened immune systems

One of today's most innovative treatments uses a small handheld laser to eradicate fungi beneath the nail. Comfortable and quick, these treatments can treat all ten nails and keep fungus away indefinitely.


At The Ankle and Foot Clinic, Dr. DiNucci tells his patients who struggle with fungal infections to take some preventive measures to avoid the problem or keep it from escalating. These self-care measures include:

  1. Never going barefoot outside or in public pool, gym, or shower areas.
  2. Washing your feet daily with soap and water and drying them well.
  3. Changing socks daily or whenever they are sweaty.
  4. Changing sneakers after a gym workout or run.
  5. Trimming toenails straight across with clean clippers.
  6. Never sharing pedicure tools with others, even family members.

The American Academy of Dermatology says that shoes should fit properly. Your nails must never rub up against the inside of your shoes as this friction promotes fungal growth and nail damage.

Great looking nails

They can happen with a little care from your foot doctor at The Ankle and Foot Clinic in Omaha. For more information on toenail fungus or any other concern you may have regarding your feet and ankles, call the office for an appointment. Our number is (402) 331-0221.

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9:00 am-1:00 pm


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